Tension Cards

Tribe Nine Tension Cards Database

Tension Cards Database

Tension cards values are based on level 1, ascension 1.

  • Search Filter: Allows users to quickly search for cards by name or keyword in real time.
  • Rarity Filter: Lets users filter cards by rarity levels. The default option (the button with the asterisk) shows all rarities. Selecting a specific rarity (such as , , or ) displays only cards of that particular rarity.
  • Tension Filter: Enables filtering based on the card’s tension value. The default shows all values, but selecting a specific tension (for example, 0, 1, 2, or EX) narrows the results to cards matching that value.
  • Target Filter: Filters cards according to their target criteria. The default selection displays all targets, while choosing a specific target shows only the relevant cards.
    • Characters: Conditions MetCharacters: Conditions Met: Cards that target characters with met conditions.
    • All Party MembersAll Party Members: Cards that target all party members.
    • Special ConditionSpecial Condition: Cards that target special conditions.
    • Characters: Conditions UnmetCharacters: Conditions Unmet: Cards that target characters with unmet conditions.
  • Synergy Filter: Uses a dropdown with checkboxes to filter cards by synergy tags. Since a card can have multiple synergy tags, a card will be displayed if any of its synergy tags match one or more of the selected options.
  • Combined Filtering: All filters work simultaneously. Only cards that meet every active filter condition (search, rarity, tension, target, and synergy) will be displayed.
  • Reset Button: Clears all selections and returns every filter to its default state (including deselecting all synergy checkboxes), ensuring all cards are shown again.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character hits an enemy with a Strategy Skill, grant oneself and the enemy hit [Curse] for 3.6s.


For party members granted this effect, decrease own Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 25%.

When there are enemies granted this effect, deal an additional attack to the enemy at 60% Action DMG every 3s.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Primary Attack hits an enemy with debuffs granted by characters' actions, grant [Charm] for 3.6s.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

All Party Members All Party Members

When the enemy's Tension Phase increases, recharge Tension by 2.52. Based on the party member's [Kingship] stack, further increase recharge amount by 0.07 for each stack.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Increase Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.45%. When the operating character is knocked out, revive the character and grant them [Beyond Death]. If the character has already been revived by other means, this revival effect will not be activated.

Beyond Death[Beyond Death]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

Characters: Conditions Unmet Characters: Conditions Unmet

When a Strategy Skill hits, grant party members [Star Actor] for 3.6s.

Star Actor[Star Actor]

Increase Attack point by 5%.

This effect will not be granted on the operating character, and will be removed when a character becomes the operating character.

Characters: Conditions Unmet Characters: Conditions Unmet

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, grant party members [Star Actor] for 3.6s.

Star Actor[Star Actor]

Increase Attack point by 5%.

This effect will not be granted on the operating character, and will be removed when a character becomes the operating character.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Strategy Skill hits an enemy with debuffs granted by characters' actions, grant [Charm] for 3.6s.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

Characters: Conditions Unmet Characters: Conditions Unmet

When a Primary Attack hits a target at a certain distance, grant party members [Star Actor] for 3.6s.

Star Actor[Star Actor]

Increase Attack point by 5%.

This effect will not be granted on the operating character, and will be removed when a character becomes the operating character.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, grant oneself [Limit Point] for 3.6s.

Limit Point[Limit Point]

When attacks launched toward enemies do not hit within 5 seconds, receive damage equivalent to 1% of own Maximum HP every 0.5 seconds.

When under [Limit Point], if hitting an enemy with an attack that consumes Stamina, grant oneself 1 stack of [Reconstruct].

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When granting Shield, grant that character [Unbending] for 3.6s.


When receiving an attack that will reduce own HP to 0, 1 HP will remain.

After the effect is activated, [Unbending] will be removed and [Resuscitate] will be granted.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Secondary Attack hits an enemy with debuffs granted by characters' actions, grant [Charm] for 3.6s.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When executing a Strategy Skill, grant oneself [Limit Point] for 3.6s.

Limit Point[Limit Point]

When attacks launched toward enemies do not hit within 5 seconds, receive damage equivalent to 1% of own Maximum HP every 0.5 seconds.

When under [Limit Point], if hitting an enemy with an attack that consumes Stamina, grant oneself 1 stack of [Reconstruct].

All Party Members All Party Members

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 0.36%. At the start of battle, grant party members [Unity].


When there are 3 party members, increase party member's Defense point by 5%.

If 1 party member is knocked out, this effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When granting recovery, grant the character who has been granted recovery [Clinical] for 3.6s.

This effect will not be triggered by the recovery from [Clinical].


Recover 1% of own Maximum HP every 3 seconds.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Critical Rate by 0.36% for 8s. If the target is granted [Attention], the effect will be replaced by [Hegemony].


Enemies granted Attention will prioritize attacking the character who granted them the effect.


Target a specific character infinitely.

This effect cannot be overwritten, and has higher priority over [Attention].

When an enemy under [Hegemony] attacks the targeted character, damage is reduced by 5%.

If the character targeted with [Hegemony] is knocked out, the effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a character grants a buff, grant that character [Nobles Obligation] for 3.6s. When the effect has already been granted, the duration of the effect will be extended.

Nobles Obligation[Nobles Obligation]

Maximum 10 stacks.

When other party members granted a buff deal damage to the enemy, grant oneself 1 stack of [Nobles Obligation].

When reaching the maximum stack, perform an attack at 150% Action DMG for a certain range with oneself as the center.

All Party Members All Party Members

When an Attack Action is executed, consume additional Stamina. Increase the Damage Bonus of the action by 5.4%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Grant the operating character 1 stack of [Kingship], and continue to grant 1 stack of [Kingship] every 15s. When reaching the maximum stack of [Kingship], recover 0.27% Maximum HP instead of granting [Kingship].


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Special Condition Special Condition

When the operating character's Chain Skill hits, grant the target [Control] for 3.6s. When the target is already granted [Control], the effect is replaced with [Command] and is granted to all enemies for 3.6s.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Command], decrease the enemy's Tension by 5.

When launching an attack that consumes Stamina towards an enemy under [Command], increase own Critical Rate by 20%.

This effect can also be considered as [Control].

All Party Members All Party Members

At the start of battle, grant all members 5 stacks of [Disorder]. When the operating character takes damage, recharge allies' Tension by 0.9. Enemy's Tension will recharge 2x faster.


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Chain Skill hits, grant the operating character [Manipulate], and the enemy hit [Conquer]. When reaching the maximum stack of [Manipulate], increase Strategy Skill damage by 6.01%.


Maximum 6 stacks.

This effect will be removed upon a character change.


Maximum 6 stacks.

Towards enemies under [Conquer], increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.48% for each stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When granting Shield, grant party members [Night Time Ponder] while increasing Critical Rate by 2.7% for 30s.

[Night Time Ponder]

Maximum 3 stacks.

Increase Critical Rate by 1.8% for each stack.

When under [Night Time Ponder], each time an Additional Attack hits, stacks will increase.

Special Condition Special Condition

When each of the party members is targeting different enemies, lock on to the respective targets.

When granted [Unbending], further increase Defense point by 4.8%.


When receiving an attack that will reduce own HP to 0, 1 HP will remain.

After the effect is activated, [Unbending] will be removed and [Resuscitate] will be granted.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When Shield is removed, increase Grant Recovery Effect by 7.2% for 10s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When taking damage from an enemy, increase Defense point by 5.4% for 10s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Recover HP by 3.24% of the damage dealt by the Strategy Skill.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When HP is lower than 30%, increase Defense point by 24% for 20s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Increase the Evasion distance of the operating character by 3.6%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Perfect Evasion successfully, recover the operating character's Stamina by 28.8.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, increase Moving Speed by 3.6% for 10s.

Special Condition Special Condition

Decrease all enemies' Attack point by 1.71%. For characters under [Kingship], increase their Attack point by the same amount as the enemies' decreased Attack point.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

All Party Members All Party Members

When a character grants a buff, extend its duration by 3.6%.

All Party Members All Party Members

When enemy's Tension Phase increases, grant party members a Shield with the resistance equivalent to 4.32% of the operating character's Maximum HP, and can decrease damage taken by 30%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the attack hits, recover by 0.54% of the damage dealt.

Special Condition Special Condition

When inflicting Break on an enemy, grant the target [Control] for 3.6s.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

All Party Members All Party Members

When taking damage, less likely to lose balance due to enemy attacks for 1.8s.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Grant Recovery Effect by 2.16%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When executing Perfect Evasion successfully, increase Defense point by 3.6% for 10s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When Stamina is consumed, increase Moving Speed by 3.6% for 5s. After the effect is activated, there will be a 1s CD.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When oneself's attack hits every 20 times, recover Stamina by 135.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, grant the target [Control] for 3.6s.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When HP is higher than 90%, increase Defense point by 4.5%.

All Party Members All Party Members

Extends the duration of [Attention] by 9%.


Enemies granted Attention will prioritize attacking the character who granted them the effect.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Increase Counterattack DMG Multiplier by 5.76%. Towards enemies under [Control], further increase Counterattack DMG Multiplier by 5.76%.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When taking damage from enemy, grant oneself an effect that will recover 0.64% of Maximum HP every 3s for 10s.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Grant Recovery Effect by 0.54%. Based on the number of enemies granted [Charm], further increase Grant Recovery Effect by 0.54%.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

If [Beyond Death] is already granted, increase the stack count by 1. For each stack of [Beyond Death], increase Defense point by 1.08%.

Beyond Death[Beyond Death]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

All Party Members All Party Members

When taking damage, decrease damage taken by 1.8%. If the enemy that deals the damage is granted [Control], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character takes damage, reduce damage taken by 16.2%. When the effect is active, consume Tension by 40.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Defense point by 1.08%. When taking damage from an enemy, grant all members [Disorder].


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, recover Stamina by 90.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Grant Recovery Effect and Critical Rate by 1.04% respectively. When there is an enemy granted [Hegemony], there will be 2x effectiveness on the untargeted characters.


Target a specific character infinitely.

This effect cannot be overwritten, and has higher priority over [Attention].

When an enemy under [Hegemony] attacks the targeted character, damage is reduced by 5%.

If the character targeted with [Hegemony] is knocked out, the effect will be removed.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Support point by 2.7. Based on own [Kingship] stacks, further increase Support point by 0.27 for each stack.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

The operating character cannot receive any Recovery Effect. Instead, increase Critical Rate by 2.4%, and grant them [Verge of Death]. This effect will be removed upon a character change.

[Verge of Death]

Maximum 3 stacks.

Stacks will increase over time.

Based on the number of stacks, increase Critical Rate by 2.4% and increase basic Stamina recovery by 3.6%.

When taking damage or if there is a character change, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When reaching the maximum stack of [Nobles Obligation], grant oneself a Shield with the resistance of 9% of own Maximum HP and can decrease damage by 30%.

Nobles Obligation[Nobles Obligation]

Maximum 10 stacks.

When other party members granted a buff deal damage to the enemy, grant oneself 1 stack of [Nobles Obligation].

When reaching the maximum stack, perform an attack at 150% Action DMG for a certain range with oneself as the center.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Critical Rate by 3.24%, and increase Defense point by 3.24%. When granted [Unity], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When there are 3 party members, increase party member's Defense point by 5%.

If 1 party member is knocked out, this effect will be removed.

Special Condition Special Condition

When the operating character executes Dodge Counterattack successfully, the flow of time in the surrounding area will slow down for 0.9s. When the effect is active, consume Tension by 30.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Chain Skill is executed, grant the character who executed the Chain Skill 1 stack of [Interlocking Stratagems]. When granted [Star Actor] and the maximum stack of [Interlocking Stratagems] at the same time, increase the Attack point of that character by 4.86%.

[Interlocking Stratagems]

Maximum 3 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.16%.

This effect can be inherited at +1 additional stack by the next character executing their Chain Skill.

This effect will be removed upon a character change, and there will be a 30s CD.

Star Actor[Star Actor]

Increase Attack point by 5%.

This effect will not be granted on the operating character, and will be removed when a character becomes the operating character.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a granted Shield is removed, recover 4.5% of Maximum HP.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the HP of the operating character is lower than 25%, recover their HP by 18% of their Maximum HP. When there are 30 or above [Disorder] on the field, this effect can be activated again. After the effect is activated, all members' [Disorder] stacks will be removed.


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Special Condition Special Condition

When the operating character executes Deflect Counterattack successfully, the flow of time in the surrounding area will slow down for 0.9s. After the effect is activated, there will be a 35s CD.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes a Chain Skill, the next character executing their Chain Skill will recover 2.88% of their Maximum HP. For the character receiving the HP Recovery Effect, increase their Support point by 13.5 for 15s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, increase their Critical Rate by 2.16% for 10s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%. When oneself is granted [Disorder], further increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%.


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When attacking with a Strategy Skill, decrease the enemy's Defense point by 2.56% and then deliver the attack. When a Strategy Skill hits an enemy granted [Charm], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

All Party Members All Party Members

When a Strategy Skill hits, increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.34%. When executing a Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack of [Disorder].


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Special Condition Special Condition

When an Ultimate Skill is executed, decrease enemy's Tension by 3.6. If the target is under [Control], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Strategy Skill hits, increase Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 4.5% for 10s. If the target is granted [Attention], the effect will be replaced by [Hegemony].


Enemies granted Attention will prioritize attacking the character who granted them the effect.


Target a specific character infinitely.

This effect cannot be overwritten, and has higher priority over [Attention].

When an enemy under [Hegemony] attacks the targeted character, damage is reduced by 5%.

If the character targeted with [Hegemony] is knocked out, the effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

If [Beyond Death] is already granted, increase stack count by 1. Based on the stacks of [Beyond Death], increase Critical Rate by 0.54%.

Beyond Death[Beyond Death]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When executing Counterattack successfully, increase Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 3.96% for 10s.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a Primary Attack hits, increase Attack Speed by 2.16% for 5s. If the target is granted [Attention], the effect will be replaced by [Hegemony].


Enemies granted Attention will prioritize attacking the character who granted them the effect.


Target a specific character infinitely.

This effect cannot be overwritten, and has higher priority over [Attention].

When an enemy under [Hegemony] attacks the targeted character, damage is reduced by 5%.

If the character targeted with [Hegemony] is knocked out, the effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

If [Beyond Death] is already granted, increase the stack count by 1. When a Primary Attack hits, based on the stacks of [Beyond Death], increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.08%.

Beyond Death[Beyond Death]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Strategy Skill hits, increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.7%. When under [Unity], further increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.7%.


When there are 3 party members, increase party member's Defense point by 5%.

If 1 party member is knocked out, this effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Primary Attack hits, increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 2.25%. When a character grants Shield, grant that character [Kingship].


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.25% and increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 1.08% for 10s. When a Secondary Attack hits an enemy granted [Charm], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When oneself is being attacked by an enemy granted [Charm], the enemy will enter a status where Attack point is decreased by 5%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When oneself is granted [Kingship], increase Critical Rate by 2.88%.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Primary Attack/Secondary Attack hits, increase Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.44%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Strategy Skill hits, increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.7%. When oneself is granted [Unbending], further increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 2.7%.


When receiving an attack that will reduce own HP to 0, 1 HP will remain.

After the effect is activated, [Unbending] will be removed and [Resuscitate] will be granted.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

If [Beyond Death] is already granted, increase stack count by 1. When a Secondary Attack hits, based on the stacks of [Beyond Death], increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.53%.

Beyond Death[Beyond Death]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Primary Attack hits, increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 2.25%. When a character grants a buff, grant [Kingship].


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When attack hits, increase Defense point by 9% for 1s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%. When granted [Limit Point]/[Reconstruct], further increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%.

Limit Point[Limit Point]

When attacks launched toward enemies do not hit within 5 seconds, receive damage equivalent to 1% of own Maximum HP every 0.5 seconds.

When under [Limit Point], if hitting an enemy with an attack that consumes Stamina, grant oneself 1 stack of [Reconstruct].


Maximum 50 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 5 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Primary Attack hits, increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.35%. Towards enemies granted [Curse], further increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.35%.


For party members granted this effect, decrease own Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 25%.

When there are enemies granted this effect, deal an additional attack to the enemy at 60% Action DMG every 3s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%. When oneself is granted [Star Actor], further increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 1.8%.

Star Actor[Star Actor]

Increase Attack point by 5%.

This effect will not be granted on the operating character, and will be removed when a character becomes the operating character.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes a Secondary Attack, perform an additional slash attack frontwards at 18%x3 Action DMG.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

After executing an Ultimate Skill, if an Ultimate Skill is executed within 10s, increase the Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier of that character by 14.4% for 10s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When dealing a Critical Hit, launch an Additional Attack with 9%x3 Action DMG. Towards targets under [Control], launch an Additional Attack no matter if a Critical hit is dealt or not. When the effect is active, consume Tension by 2.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes a Secondary Attack, increase the Action DMG of Additional Attacks by 5.4% for 10s. When granted [Curse], further increase the Action DMG of Additional Attacks by 5.4%.


For party members granted this effect, decrease own Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 25%.

When there are enemies granted this effect, deal an additional attack to the enemy at 60% Action DMG every 3s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When dealing damage to an enemy, increase Critical Rate by 3.6% for 3s. When the effect is active, based on the stacks of [Nobles Obligation], further increase Critical Rate by 0.9% for each stack.

Nobles Obligation[Nobles Obligation]

Maximum 10 stacks.

When other party members granted a buff deal damage to the enemy, grant oneself 1 stack of [Nobles Obligation].

When reaching the maximum stack, perform an attack at 150% Action DMG for a certain range with oneself as the center.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a party member other than the operating character takes damage, increase the operating character's Attack point by 12.6% for 10s. This effect will be removed upon a character change.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When taking damage from an enemy, increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 6.3% for 5s. If taking damage from an enemy while under [Unity], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When there are 3 party members, increase party member's Defense point by 5%.

If 1 party member is knocked out, this effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a character executes an Ultimate Skill, increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 4.5% for 5s. Consume all party member's [Kingship] stacks, and for each stack of [Kingship] consumed, decrease the amount of Tension consumed to execute the Ultimate Skill by 0.18%.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase the resistance of Shield granted by 3.6%. When there is an enemy granted [Control], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 5.4%. When a character is granted [Clinical], increase their Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 5.4% for 10s.


Recover 1% of own Maximum HP every 3 seconds.

All Party Members All Party Members

Less likely to lose balance due to enemy attacks. When taking damage, based on the stacks of [Reconstruct], increase Defense point by 0.54% and then take the damage.


Maximum 50 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 5 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 2.7%. Based on the stacks of [Reconstruct], further increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 0.1% for each stack.


Maximum 50 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 5 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack hits, increase Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 2.7%. When attacking an enemy under [Control], increase Primary Attack DMG Multiplier by 2.7%.


When the operating character takes damage from an enemy under [Control], decrease the enemy's Tension by 3.

When launching an attack towards an enemy under [Control], increase own Critical Rate by 15%.

Specal Condition

When the operating character executes Perfect Evasion successfully, the flow of time in the surrounding area will slow down for 0.9s. After the effect is activated, there will be a 25s CD.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When Chain Skill is executed, grant the first character to execute their Chain Skill 10 stacks of [Kingship], but decrease Stamina recovery speed by 90% for 33.33s.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character hits a target over a certain distance, increase Damage Bonus by 9%. When the operating character hits a target within a certain distance, decrease Damage Bonus by 50%.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes a Strategy Skill, increase Attack point by 6% for 10s. If the target is granted [Attention], the effect will be replaced by [Hegemony].


Enemies granted Attention will prioritize attacking the character who granted them the effect.


Target a specific character infinitely.

This effect cannot be overwritten, and has higher priority over [Attention].

When an enemy under [Hegemony] attacks the targeted character, damage is reduced by 5%.

If the character targeted with [Hegemony] is knocked out, the effect will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character executes Counterattack successfully, recover HP by 3% Maximum HP.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 3.33%.

All Party Members All Party Members

Party members receive a Recovery Effect that recovers 1.08% of own Maximum HP every 3s.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Secondary Attack is executed, increase the DMG Multiplier of the next Strategy Skill by 8.1%. If the Secondary Attack is executed while granted [Unity], there will be 2x effectiveness.


When there are 3 party members, increase party member's Defense point by 5%.

If 1 party member is knocked out, this effect will be removed.

Specal Condition

Decrease the enemy's Attack point by 2.7%. When the enemy is under [Disorder], based on the stacks of [Disorder], further decrease the enemy's Attack point by 0.18% for each stack.


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When the operating character hits an enemy with a Strategy Skill, increase the operating character's Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 6.3%. If the operating character is granted [Disorder], based on the stacks of [Disorder], further increase Strategy Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.21% for each stack.


Maximum 50 stacks.

For party members granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical Rate by 0.5%.

For enemies granted this effect, based on the number of stacks, increase own Attack point by 1%.

While under [Disorder], when party members take damage or execute a Perfect Evasion/Counterattack successfully, grant all members 1 stack.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 15 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

Based on the number of times continuous damage is dealt or Recovery Effect is granted to a same target by the operating character, grant them a same number of stacks of [Whispering Spirits] for 5s. When reaching the maximum stack of [Whispering Spirits], further increase Support point by 13.5.

[Whispering Spirits]

Maximum 5 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase Support point by 2.7.

After the effect is granted, cannot grant the same effect within 5s.

All Party Members All Party Members

Increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 9%. Based on the stacks of [Reconstruct], further increase Ultimate Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.36%. When an Ultimate Skill is executed, party members' [Reconstruct] will be removed.


Maximum 50 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 5 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

All Party Members All Party Members

When the operating character executes a Strategy Skill, create a Field effect that can increase Attack point by 18% for 15s. When a character within the Field is under [Unbending], further increase Attack point by 18%.


When receiving an attack that will reduce own HP to 0, 1 HP will remain.

After the effect is activated, [Unbending] will be removed and [Resuscitate] will be granted.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When executing a Strategy Skill, increase Defense point by 90% and is less likely to lose balance for 10s. When the effect is active, decrease Moving Speed by 25%. When the effect is active, consume Tension by 10.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

The operating character inherits all [Kingship] stacks granted to party members. All [Kingship] stacks on the operating character will be removed after 3.6s.


Maximum 30 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Primary Attack/Secondary Attack/Chain Skill DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

When Stamina is recovered outside of basic Stamina recovery, gain 1 stack.

Special Condition Special Condition

When a debuff on an enemy is removed, decrease all enemies' Attack point by 3.6% for 10s. Each time this effect is activated, recharge allies' Tension by 0.9.

Special Condition Special Condition

Reverse Recovery Effect and deal damage equivalent to 54% of Recovery Effect. The amount of damage dealt will cap off at 8000% Attack point.

Characters: Conditions Met Characters: Conditions Met

When a Primary Attack/Secondary Attack hits, increase Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 7.2%. Based on the stacks of [Reconstruct], further increase Primary and Secondary Attack DMG Multiplier by 0.28%.


Maximum 50 stacks.

Based on the number of stacks, increase own Critical DMG Multiplier by 0.1%.

If the number of stacks doesn't increase within 5 seconds, all stacks will be removed.

What are Tension Cards?

Tension Cards are effects that can be activated under certain conditions and heavily affect the style of gameplay. You can have up to 5 Tension Cards equipped to a team, allowing for a variety of different effects to take place. Tension Cards are linked to the amount of tension in your team, and will activate/deactivate when the threshold is met (although most cards have additional requirements to activate).