Yutaka Gotanda
CV: Wataru Komada
The former leader of the brainy Shinagawa Tribe. After parting ways with his organization, Gotanda has not appeared in public since Ichinose took control of Shinagawa City.
Battle style
An easy-to-use attacker specializing in long-ranged strikes. By repeatedly using enhanced attacks, he builds up [Charge] stacks that let him deal massive damage with his Ultimate Skill.
A simple yet effective ranged DPS, Gotanda beams down his enemies before unleashing a devastating ultimate attack.
His playstyle is pretty straight forward; your goal is to build up his charge by either using his primary fire (slow, but costs no stamina) or (ideally) his secondary fire (a high damaging laser beam that consumes stamina but quickly builds charge).
You can then spend this charge on either his strategy skill or hold it to boost the crit rate on his ultimate skill.
He can further increase his ultimate damage by levelling his first passive, or buff his team's attack upon ult activation with his second passive..