Tsuruko Semba

Rarity: 3 character



DPS role


Support role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0
Tsuruko Semba

Tsuruko Semba

CV: Konomi Kohara


A knowledgeable, talented girl who loves reading. She's a compulsive over-explainer eager to showcase her knowledge. Romance is a foreign concept to her, but her expertise is second to none.

Battle style

A technical character who controls the battlefield with long-ranged spells. Can deploy a field that provides either recovery to allies or extra attacks in a designated area.



Stats are calculated at lvl 50
HP 1288
Attack power 286
Defense 318
Support 0
Stamina limit 1000

Basic info

Attack Ability
Break Ability
Support Ability
Operating Difficulty


Build and guide

How can a character be both a top tier support and DPS? By having two powerful yet viable specs based on which passive you level up.

Tsuruko is the first limited character in Tribe Nine, and proves her power through her sheer versatility and high amounts of DPS.

As she damages enemies she charges up her Unending Twilight; once maxed, Tsuruko creates a large field that empowers her strategy skill and can either heals allies based on the damage she deals (further enhanced with her first passive), or remove the healing entirely to deal bonus damage based on her support stat (by levelling her second passive).

With two very different builds, Tsuruko can fulfill different roles for your team all while doing her job better than most of her competition.

Her only real weakness is her spotty AI; she's definitely best played manually to fully maximize her potential damage and/or supportive capabilities..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Top Tier Support: With a strong mix of high damage and great healing, Tsuruko can fulfill two roles at once with minimal effort, further improved by levelling her first passive.
Top Tier DPS: Alternatively, level her second passive and turn her into a full blown DPS scaling off both attack and support.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Requires her Zone: Her damage output is entirely reliant on keeping enemies in her field, making mobile enemies difficult to handle. She does have the ability to reposition her field with her secondary at least.
No Damage Ultimate: For a potential main DPS, her ultimate falls purely into the utility factor. This does her put a noticeable damage disadvantage to her peers, although this does free you up to use other characters ultimates.