Rarity: 3 character
Roles: TANK



Support role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0


CV: Junichi Suwabe


A young man who travels with Kazuki. His past, identity, and intentions are shrouded in mystery. What's the mysterious Q's true identity?

Battle style

Takes on the brunt of enemy fire while protecting allies and dealing damage from aside. Can unleash incredible power by releasing the [Fighting Will] he accumulates during battle.



Stats are calculated at lvl 50
HP 1591
Attack power 298
Defense 275
Stamina limit

Basic info

Attack Ability
Break Ability
Support Ability
Operating Difficulty


Build and guide

Q comes winging in as a fairly underwhelming character upon initial impression.

However, while he may lack an immediately obvious and abusable trait he makes up for by simply doing everything well.

Make no mistake; Q is no DPS or breaker.

He's outclassed on both fronts by dedicated characters.

But he splits the difference well enough to stand out off of pure role compression, while also being a very strong tank.

His strategy skill Declaration applies a global taunt once it is fully cast, then enters [Berserk] state allowing him to automatically dodge attacks with the first two attacks of his primary string or counterattack on the third.

This is not reliable in the slightest and really just serves to cover a mistake you may have made.

He also gets a new strategy skill (Frantic Impale) which deals decent damage and break for a low stamina cost.

As AI Q is notably quite bad, it is highly suggested to manually pilot Q to ensure a smoother battle..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Jack of all Trades: With decent DPS, break, and the ability to function as a tank, Q is a solid well rounded character.
Great Counterattack: Q can counterattack ranged attacks, a unique trait for a melee character. The lengthy evasive animation also make it one of the best counterattacks in the game.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Master of None: His DPS and break aren't good enough to warrant distinction outside of being above average for a tank.
Manual Preferred: While the AI CAN play Q, it isn't very good at doing so. It is highly recommended to pilot Q yourself to maximize his value.