Miu Jujo

Rarity: 3 character
Roles: NUKER



DPS role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0
Miu Jujo

Miu Jujo

CV: Tomoyo Kurosawa


A mysterious woman from the Kita Tribe. She seems fed up by her teammate Jio's doting behavior. Despite her tone, she cares deeply for her friends while keeping her past a secret.

Battle style

An attacker with the unique ability to manipulate light rays. With graceful movements, she swiftly maneuvers across the battlefield, and her 'Luminous Crystal' bolsters her allies with additional light‐based attacks.



Stats are calculated at lvl 50
HP 1423
Attack power 334
Defense 274
Support 0
Stamina limit 1000

Basic info

Attack Ability
Break Ability
Support Ability
Operating Difficulty


Build and guide

Miu is a high damaging DPS with solid DPS and possibly the strongest ultimate in the game once charged To charge her ultimate, she first needs to use her strategy skill Vertical Crystal to drop down a turret.

Enemies that take damage within its AOE will build charge for it each time they take damage.

While it may take a little time to fully charge her ultimate, she can acquire a large amount of charge by using her chain attack.

While Miu is mostly flawless, she has very poor break values on her primary and secondary attacks, and her turret does none at all.

As such, she does rely on her teammates to give her the break she needs to both fund her ultimate and help her get charge.

However, this downside is easily made irrelevant as bosses tend to melt once hit her with her fully charged ultimate, costing only one bar to activate and dishing out up to 20 hits of high damage made more damaging by levelling her second passive..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Great DPS: While charging her ultimate Miu can dish out reliable DPS from both herself and her turret.
Lightning Fast: With fast animations and an even faster run, Miu can easily avoid taking damage.
Life Bar Melting Ultimate: When fully stacked her ultimate can delete life bars off even the toughest enemies in the game. Sub 1 minute clears on Fractal Vice bosses are an easy reality with her.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Poor Breaker: With no break damage from her turret and low values from her primary and secondary, Miu is the worst DPS in the game at breaking enemies.
Melee Counterattack: Currently there is little advantage to having a melee counterattack, putting her at a slight disadvantage against certain enemies if manually controlled.