Minami Oi
CV: Misato Murai
A highly skilled secretary with exceptional analytical abilities. She deeply respects Gotanda and supports him in business and combat, though she may secretly have a soft spot for cute things.
Battle style
A support character who provides recovery, shields, and covering fire. Although her personal combat stats are lower, her all-around support significantly boosts her party's survival.
Minami makes a strange case for a team slot.
Her poor damage, terrible break values, and heal over time focus make her utterly outclassed by Tsuruko and only a sidegrade to Koichi.
What pushes her over the edge is her stalling potential.
When paired with a tank Minami can grind any fight to a halt, slowly winning via a war of attrition thanks to her consistent healing and powerful shield.
This is not a particularly recommended strategy, but if you're having issues fighting a boss it is a valid option..