Jio Takinogawa

Rarity: 3 character



Support role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0
Jio Takinogawa

Jio Takinogawa

CV: Takahiro Sakurai


A smug gentleman(?) from the Kita Tribe. He is abnormally obsessed with his travel companion Miu. His fighting style is such a stark contrast from his usual self that it's hard to believe he's just an ordinary guy.

Battle style

Extremely athletic with the ability to manipulate venom. Battles in a very violent fashion – by accumulating [Venom] on the target, he can inflict lethal damage.



Stats are calculated at lvl 50
HP 1543
Attack power 294
Defense 287
Stamina limit

Basic info

Attack Ability
Break Ability
Support Ability
Operating Difficulty


Build and guide

Jio is a solid all rounder in theory, but in reality his primary reason to be played is his unique 25% armor shred and ability to deal decent break damage.

Jio's main gimmick comes from his Venom, a damage over time [DOT] debuff that deals a little damage per tick based on how many stacks are on the enemy.

When the Venom reaches its cap it will detonate, dealing AOE damage to all nearby enemies.

While the damage can be improved, including making the detonation crit, it's not enough to consider him a main DPS when compared to the dedicated DPS characters.

His break damage is also quite good, but not exceptional enough to call him a dedicated breaker.

However, no other character in the game can apply armor shred, which combined with the above factors results in a surprisingly good character..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Lethal Debuff: While the damage itself is only OK (albeit still good for what it is), the armor shred from his second passive provides him is unique and very good for the damage multiplier.
Great AOE: His AOE damage is very good when it comes up, as multiple enemies can suffer from Venom and multiple explosions going off result in quick clears of trash packs.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Average Overall: While the armor shred is nice, and his damage and stun values quite good for what they are, his niche can be easily replaced.