Hyakuichitaro Senju

Rarity: 2 character



Breaker role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0
Hyakuichitaro Senju

Hyakuichitaro Senju

CV: Ayumu Murase


A small, jumpy delinquent boy who always acts tough. He faces foes with a giant bat and dreams of becoming a 'man' like his older brother, the leader of the Adachi Tribe!

Battle style

Can rapidly charge stacks and grant Shields to allies. While the Shield offers high damage reduction, it also makes him slightly more vulnerable.


Build and guide

While Senju's kit makes him seem like a supportive DPS that protects his allies at the cost of his own life, his true purpose is as a speedy breaker quickly generating tension for the team to quickly kill bosses.

For the sake of completion we'll cover his shield.

Whenever the third hit of his primary attack string, strategy skill, or chain attack land, Senju gains a certain amount of Fighting Spirit.

When reaching the maximum amount, he applies a shield to his teammates that reduces damage taken, but also redirects the damage to his own life bar.

That being said, there's no real reason to think about this when you can instead spam his secondary attack for a massive 600 break value per swing, unmatched by any character in the game currently.

This does necessitate manual play as the AI prioritizes his mostly useless shields, but with the right partners allows for some of the fastest clears possible..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Breaker King: No one can break fast as or as easy as he can.
Speedrun King: Between his fast breaks and cheap ultimate, Senju can facilitate lightning fast clears in Fractal Vice.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Low DPS: Even with a currently active stat buff, Senju has poor damage output unless he ults.