Enoki Yukigaya
CV: Reina Kondo
A fearless and eccentric girl known for eating just about anything. Talented at crafting secret weapons from found objects, she even made both her own weapon and Saigo's.
Battle style
A tricky fighter whose follow-up actions change based on previous moves. The riskier her actions (such as performing Deflect or Perfect Evasions), the stronger her attacks.
Stats are calculated at lvl 50Basic info
Wielding a massive claymore and even more massive damage, Enoki is a powerhouse DPS who embodies high risk and high reward.
Her main form of damage comes from her strategy skill Grill Impact, a massive leaping attack that deals nearly half the damage of most characters ultimates.
However, she can only use this ability once her heat is stacked up.
Heat can be acquired in a few ways; the fourth hit of her primary attack string, her secondary attack, her counterattack, and by extension of her unique perfect evasion derivation attack, her perfect dodge attack.
However, if she gets hit by any attack from the enemy ALL of her heat will be removed.
Combined with her low defenses and second passive draining her own life to further increase her damage output results in one of the riskiest but rewarding characters in Tribe Nine..