Eiji Todoroki

Rarity: 2 character



Support role


Reroll target


Available since version: 1.0
Eiji Todoroki

Eiji Todoroki

CV: Kensho Ono


A condescending, egotistical businessman who believes money can buy anything he desires. He takes on XG as his own 'noblesse oblige'.

Battle style

Can recharge party members' Ultimate Skills—making them easier to trigger for powerful attacks. This support role makes him a prime target that must be well-protected.


Build and guide

Todoroki is one of the best supports in the game, acting as both a tank and a buffer.

His primary value comes from his strategy skill Spotlight, creating a field around himself that buffs the crit rate of allies within the area.

In turn, each time his allies deal damage in his spotlight applies a self buff that refunds part of the cost (turns it into a 1 bar ultimate, although you still need 2 bars of tension to activate it) and increases the total duration of his ultimate (up to 25 seconds).

With his second passive, gaining these stacks will also generate tension for the team, a very rare trait to have.

Upon ulting, he applies a buff to the whole team that increases the primary and secondary attack multipliers of your team by a whopping 60%.

This can be further improved my levelling his first passive..


Highlighting this character’s strengths
Insane Buffs: With access to one of the most powerful buffs in the game via his ultimate (which technically only costs 1 bar and can last 25 seconds) on top of a good near permanent crit rate buff and the ability to generate tension for your team, Todoroki currently holds the crown as the best dedicated buffer.
Simple Tank: Todoroki requires very little reading to learn/play; you can focus your entire effort into simply dodging or counterattacking incoming attacks while positioning yourself near your allies to buff their damage with his spotlight.


Pointing out this character’s weaknesses
Terrible DPS/Break: Even when buffed under his ultimate, Todoroki's damage is laughable. His break is even worse.
Buffers Unneeded: Currently, running a buffer isn't really needed when optimal teams can brute force enemies down off raw numbers right now. He does also function as a tank, but you may find more value dedicated his team slot to running a character who has a more active presence in battle.